Archive for June, 2024

Twitter hashtags #

June 29, 2024

People on Twitter, interested in the election, often express good points E.g. the ongoing slaughter in Gaza and its tacit support by our main political parties are not in any Main Stream Media discussions, Q&A’s. Ditto the ongoing deskilling and fragmentation of the NHS back to the pre-War (WWII) situation where people had to pay for a doctor and many died early in life. The reason Labour created the NHS.

Others make good points about local issues and local candidates . The problem is that it’s not getting where it needs to go. For instance I agreed with a tweeter in Durham that the New Labour candidate, being imposed on them, is a nasty person, who should not be elected, but I don’t vote in Durham. I vote in Makerfield, which has its own right-wing New Labour candidate being imposed.

It’s no use writing to the local Paper, because they are also part of the MSM. My local papers (Liverpool Echo Manchester Evening News) are owned by the same group that owns the Mirror and the Express..

The message has to be disseminated via Social Media, such as Twitter

When I tweet on local issues, I use Hashtags such as #LFC, knowing that anyone, following Liverpool FC, might pick up on it. When in doubt just try #L, then add an “i” and look at twitter’s suggestions, then a “v” and so on. Just play with combinations of letters, until you find one that suits your purpose and click on it. Recenly Taylor Swift was big news locally and hashtags with her name came up, meaning lots of people were following Tweets with such hashtags.

Use them.


June 29, 2024

Just some maundering

I’ve noticed a few items disappearing from shelves, usually at the cheaper end of the market. Some may have been re-styled in a way that hides a large increase in price but another thought occured to me.

I considered the Government’s advice to store enough to see us through a short period of disruption.

This is not something you expect from a Tory, except in a time of war, when they’ll be retiring to their hidey holes and not want to be vexed by proles demanding they do something.

It goes against their contempt for the nanny-state, where they’d be expected to earn their salaries.

It goes against their “survival of the fittest”, “the rugged individualist”, “devil take the hindmost”, “Law of the Jungle”, “the weak go to the wall” philosophy.
I’m now wondering, if they’re stock-piling in their own bunkers, as they did during the Cold War.
I wonder if any of them have considered why the billionaires have recently grown interested in Rockets to the Moon and aredivesting their terrestrial business interests.
It’s all just pointless speculation on my part but the disappearance of cheap garlic puree is an annoyance.

England in Serbia game

June 18, 2024

Bukayo Saka wasted in that England team.

Numerous waist high crosses that defenders and goalie couldn’t cope with but nor could our attackers, who want lobs, that give them time to consider.

Unfortunately, goalie and defenders also have the same length of time and are better positioned.

Declan Rice draws attackers on to him, leaving space for other defenders to launch an attack. Unfortunately, he passes it to the nearest man, with same sort of effect as passing off a live grenade to a suddenly inundated team mate.

Foden is the little terrier, who nips in and scores, while the defence is focussing on the danger men. He’s a ball-carrier, like Bowen, not a ball passer. Asked to hold a ball in a three man dribble, he ends up passing the ball back downfield, to get out of trouble himself, but launching an opposition attack.

Trent is best used as a back-up to Saka, with Tripper as a back-up to both. Saka is best when there’s quick witted attackers running in to the goal area. Trent is best when there’s also a similarly adept left-winger, running into space. Tripper’s advantage is that neither defenders, nor attackers can tell where to position themselves for a lobbed cross. This leaves the likes of Kane and Foden to seize on any spillages.

Pickford has, thankfully realised that playing out of defence, to draw out the oppsition, is stupid, when they’re on your doorstep. A hoof out to a winger, means less adventurous attackers being dangerously close.


June 18, 2024

I’ve just checked out the Google street view of Luxembourg.
It’s immaculate. It’s like those “artist’s impression” pictures, used to sell new housing developments. There’s no potholes, no speedbumps, no high kerbs, no litter, no graffiti. There’s hardly any street furniture.

Everything has straight edges. Hedges are manicured, as are lawns. Even the verges on country roads have no plants, which are taller than 12″.

Jean-Paul Juncker has done its citizens proud.

It must cost a fortune in Euro’s.

Small wonder he was insistent on opposing Brexit.


June 14, 2024

The privatisation of our national resources is mainly through contracts, which is why I can easily switch suppliers, without inconvenience.

All a Gas supplier does is collect our cash for fuel used. They do SFA, except divvy profits out betwween shareholders and boardroom bonuses.

If the State set up their own supplier, or just buy out a small business, and set up the network hardware and staff recruitment for an expansion.

Buy selling at cost, they’d soon drive the privatised leeches out of business, without compensation.

Is Starmer operated by a chatbot?

June 14, 2024

I read an article about how potentially adulterous men were hoaxed into paying to talk to chatboxes and tried Googling how to recognise such bots on Social Media.

I came across this:

I summarised it as:

1. Watch out for clunky phrasing

>>  telltale garbled sentences that simply make no sense

Look for repetition

>> If they literally repeat the precise phrasing each time,

Note the response speed

>>the chats are coming back to you instantaneously, or if they’re able to instantly give you information that a human should reasonably have to look up in a resource of some sort.

Pay attention to vagueness

>> they respond with a statement that requires you to expand on what you’ve just said

Pull a “Crazy Ivan”

>>Do, or say something that a real person wouldn’t expect

I watched several interviews with Starmer and it was if he was a chatbot, or had an earpiece feeding him lines from a chatbot.

Try it.


June 14, 2024

An article, in New Scientist, attempts to discuss why (usually this would only be “how”) the Mediterranean Diet may, or may not, be beneficial.
The mention of nuts in the diet was glossed over, as an assumption, I reckon, that it was probably the oils in nuts, which were beneficial. Having just tried to take the bitter skin of a load of hazelnuts, I think they’ve must a trick. The bitterness is I assume down to the tannin, which many plants exploit as a fungicide. We enjoy our Indian tea, because of that bitterness, although it may be diluted by milk, or masked by lemon, bergamot, or sugar.
We are told that the tea is also good for us.
Maybe, again, it’s the tannin.


June 14, 2024

An article, in New Scientist, on how partly replacing Sodium Chloride by Potassium Chloride would help reduce High Blood Pressure, caught my attention.
I suffer from High Blood Pressure, whilst also needing Potassium supplements (adrenal adenomas). There is an upper limit to the recommended dosage of Potassium, because it can affect the heart etc. (the lethal injection, used in some US States, is mainly an overdose of Potassium; so not painless) but I could, maybe, benefit from exceeding that dosage.
Later in the article, it suggested that cooking salt could be legislated to contain a percentage of Potassium. this was cited as proving beneficial legislation requiring the addition of Iodine to Salt. This, again, caught my attention, because I require Laevothyroxine supplements (max dose), where the Iodine in my diet (I like eating sea fish) and in processed food may be at fault.
Maybe I could opt out of extra iodine in the table salt.