
Just some maundering

I’ve noticed a few items disappearing from shelves, usually at the cheaper end of the market. Some may have been re-styled in a way that hides a large increase in price but another thought occured to me.

I considered the Government’s advice to store enough to see us through a short period of disruption.

This is not something you expect from a Tory, except in a time of war, when they’ll be retiring to their hidey holes and not want to be vexed by proles demanding they do something.

It goes against their contempt for the nanny-state, where they’d be expected to earn their salaries.

It goes against their “survival of the fittest”, “the rugged individualist”, “devil take the hindmost”, “Law of the Jungle”, “the weak go to the wall” philosophy.
I’m now wondering, if they’re stock-piling in their own bunkers, as they did during the Cold War.
I wonder if any of them have considered why the billionaires have recently grown interested in Rockets to the Moon and aredivesting their terrestrial business interests.
It’s all just pointless speculation on my part but the disappearance of cheap garlic puree is an annoyance.

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