Posts Tagged ‘energy-poor’

#Occupy Our Governments need to realise that they will sink with us

March 10, 2012

At one time when Governments had spent themselves into debt and weren’t able to tax their way out, they invaded somewhere and robbed enough to pay off their debts.

The Greeks just robbed neighbouring cities, then learned about Empires from the Persians and this idea was taken over by the Romans, etc.

Essentially much of the wealth that was robbed was in the form of slaves, who could do enough work to feed themselves and their masters.

The Industrial revolution saw a big change, where Britain had enslaved its masses and also had steam power to provide the wealth that enabled it to take on an Empire.

Unfortunately other European nations also industrialised and joined in this colonisation. i.e. raping weaker countries and enslaving their peoples, too.

Britain did best, because they had got in their first, but the scramble for Africa caused friction between the European powers and resulted in WWI.

The protagonists had plenty of domestic and foreign slaves, so they were squandered in this war and all Eoropean powers lost a lot of their wealth.

There was still plenty of coal (and now oil), so this wouldn’t have been too much of a problem if France hadn’t got greedy and pauperised Germany, without actually taking responsibility for its people.

This led the Germans into trying a bit of catching up and a lot of printing of money.

To underwrite the debt The Germans did a bit of conquering, led by a nutter, and we had WWII.

This was quickly followed by a lot of elbows-out jostling with China and Russia, exploiting the fact that they had a lot of fossil fuels and a lot of surplus people.

Unfortunately, both sides also had the Atomic bomb, so WWIII was not an option.

Instead, we had skirmishes; Vietnam, Korea etc. upto Iraq and Afghanistan. (Iran may have been next on the list but they could get nuclear any day now, especially as their Islamic pals, in Pakistan, are already nuclear capable).

Meantime, the printing of money has got further out of hand.

Privatisation (i.e. selling State assets to oil rich sheiks etc.) has helped pay the interest of the debts but some countries such as Greece have no assests left, except their people.

This is our present situation.

Paper money is being printed ever  faster.

Western governments have been desperately trying to squeeze more out of their masses, by further privatisations but the only asset, which the energy-poor West now has, is its people.

This is why Democracy is being dismantled and why Occupy and other protest groups are springing up, aided by the Internet. This in turn has led to attempts to throttle the Internet and the build up of private police forces (militia).

It seems likely that Democracy will lose out, eventually, (though hopefully not so) as all populations have plenty of sociopaths, psychopaths, Judas goats and other “useful idiots”. People, who can be used to divide and conquer the masses, of whom the majority will march silently to the Slaughter House, unless they can be alerted to their potential fate.

Basically the options seem to be revolution and the re-negeing on all debts, or the acceptance of a state where Democracy ends and we re-enter slavery. The population would become a commodity to be sold with the old, the weak and the useless, being disposed off in other ways.

The third alternative is for Governments to re-nege and to seize back state assets, it’s just a question of whether the richer More oil etc.) countries will allow it and if our Rulers realise that, ultimately, they are in the same boat as us.