Posts Tagged ‘Top people.’

#occupy by customer choice of fuel supplier etc.

February 19, 2012

I frequently switch fuel suppliers etc. but I don’t really know if I’m getting a better deal, except as USwitch says I am. Part of the reason is that my current supplier rarely gives me usage info in a form that is asked for by the the comparison website.

It occurs to me that as someone, who is concerned about the 1% and the bonus controversies that a better basis for switching might be how much the companies gouge their customers.

It would be useful if someone could dig out, for each Company, facts such as p/e ratio’s, Top 10% (of total turnover) salaries, Boardroom execs. names and salaries. It would even be better if they were trusted to make a recommendation.

Just a small number of customers switching supplier, based on this info, could affect corporate policies quite significantly and possibly encourage the self-selection of more socially conscious “Top People”.

It might even be a key to the general public being able to modify the ethics of their Petrol/Diesel/Gasoline suppliers, where difference in customer pricing is marginal, anyway.

The criteria might vary in each country, for each commodity, but democracy through purchasing power could be a useful tool for reform.